Sunday, May 6, 2007

I feel like a runner

Heavens I did not know how long it had been since I blogged. I really need to get back into the groove of it. It helps to keep me honest. I am so proud of all of us for finishing the 8 miles. I never thought I was going to make it, but I did. I must say that for the day Vickie was my inspiration. I kept her in my sights most of the race, but she made me work at it. And she was only WALKING. Man is she fast. Anyway, I felt that even though the race was a little difficult, I did not give up. But the one thing that I learned was to have the right kind of socks. I wore some other type of socks and I paid for it by the end of the race. I had rubbed the skin raw in certain spots. The first thing I did was go to Fleet Feet and buy the good kind. Lesson learned. But the course was so scenic, even though a little muddy. Christa, you are doing so awesome. I hope I can eventually catch up to you. Kayra, when I saw you right towards the end of the race, you made me realize that even though we all struggle, we are also not quiters. Seeing your face helped me to finish it and not quit. I am looking forward to meeting more of the MM people and learning from everyone's own experiences. I AM A MARATHONER. And for the first time, I truly believe it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Long time no see

Okay it has been forever since I last blogged. First up I must confess that I have not been doing to well this week. I have gotten into a funk and just can't seem to break it. I tried to do the interval thing this week and I did awful. I guess I was fooling myself in that I was improving. I did cross train today, and I felt better. I just can't seem to get into the running. After reading Christa's blog tonite I think I will try the 30 second thing. Surely I can do that. I know tomorrow will be a new day. But I just needed to vent.
I think that what I really need is soemone to help hold me accountable for my training. I wish I could hook up with someone during the week in or around my area. Don;t get mr wrong my husband is great, but he is in really good shape and I feel like a complete dork for not being able to keep up with him. I keep trying to tell myself what MArk said about running my own race. I did sign up for the run from the sun race on Sat. I just plan on having fun and not worrying about my time or pace. It's for a good cause as Christa said. I promise to be faithful again about blogging. Looking forward to Sat.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Today was the perfect inspirational talk that I needed to hear. Everyone sharing their stories made me realize that I can do this. I had a great time walking with Kayra and getting to know each other. Christa, I may have to try and run with you next time. Hope your back is feeling better. The comment that was made about doing this for someone who can't or who we've lost made me think about my aunt Sylvia. She past away at the age of 27 and left behind a two year old son. I am going to do this in her memory and to raise awareness for cancer. She was such a vivacious person, and when she passed way, a part of our whole family died with her. So, I plan on having a shirt with her name made, so she will be with me the whole way.
Thanks to everyone who is a part of this and especially to our speakers today, for inspiring us and making us believe in ourselves.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ho Humm

Today was one of those days where I knew I should have just stayed home. But I stuck it out. Had to work a late night today, so I went to the gym early this morning. Got a call at 7:00 am from work telling me that they could not find the tests that had to be given today to my students. So I finally made it to the gym and then rushed home because I was expecting a painter to come and give me an estimate on painting the inside of our house. He never showed up. Went to pick out paint and carpeting, and could not find what I wanted. We are in the process of doing some remodeling to our house before my baby girl graduates from high school in May. Lots of family coming in from all over the country. I have the typical LARGE Hispanic family, and she is the first grandchild on both sides. Now I can only pray that I get all the work done before then. I am sitting typing as I wait for laundry to dry and then i can throw in the next load. The is nighty night for me. Can't wait for friday to get here. HA HA

Monday, March 26, 2007

AHA Moment

I am going to have to walk alot earlier now, because I just about got carried away by mosquitos the size of the new jumbo jetliner that was just released. Let me start by saying that listening to Mark's talk on Saturday make me look inside myself and really evaluate my motivation for doing this goal, and also why I am my own worst critic. I have to sat that I had an AHA moment. So let me just say that my reason for doing this is purely selfish. I wanted to fiinally do something for ME. I am sure that there are alot of people out there that know what I mean when I say that I usuallly put myself last and my kids and family first. I wanted to work towards a goal. I am one of those people that if I have a goal, nothing will stop me from doing it. I had 3 kids the youngest three when I quit working full time and went back to school to get my degree. It took me going full time and summers also, but I did it. I then went back and got my Masters a year later. If I can do that and raise three kids and a husband, then I should be able to handle this marathon. I've also been motivated by going through some major medical issues just six months ago.
My biggest battle and my AHA moment, was realizing that I really do sell myself way to short. Instead of finding the good things about myself, I always focus on the negative and that which I feel is wrong with me. But I have caught myself since Saturday, making myself say something good about myself, every time I think a negative thought . I must say it really seems to change my attitude. So instead of thinking how fat I look, I congratulate myself for sticking to the exercise program, or the fact that I am finally getting in shape. I know this is just a small step, but alot of small steps are what will get me to the finish line in October.

Run or walk on my marathon family.
We are marathoners!!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Back from the Dead

Okay, it has been a long time since I blogged. It seems like forever. I am finally getting over the flu. It sure did hit me hard. I have not been able to do anything for over a week. I tried to wog today, but I could only go a few minutes before the coughing spells would hit me. I have decided to wait until Sat and see how I do. I feel like I lost all the momentum that I had before getting sick. I guess it's like starting over again. I did get a chance to read some blogs, so I don't feel to left out. I plan on going to WW meeting next week, so I hope that will help to get me going again. I have had so much chicken soup, that I swear I saw a beak looking back at me this morning. THen my husband thought it would be funny, so he bought some feathers and pretended that they were falling off me as I walked. What a nut!! See everyone on Sat

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Down and out for the Count

Well I just got back from the Dr. Know why I have been feeling so yucky. I have the flu!! I never got the shot and now it has gone around in my department at work. There are three of us out because of it. I seriously doubt I will be at the meeting on Sat. I just want to get better. And yes, I will get the flu shot next year. LOL

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So not Tech Savvy!!!

Okay I broke down and got an Ipod.But have no idea how to work it. Had my daughter walk me thru it. Boy do I feel dumb. She did add some pretty good songs on there. I had a very ROUGH day at work today and that IPOD did help to destress me while I was walking. I walked for 1 1/2 hours. Something my boss told me today brought alot of things into perspective for me. His comment was "That which does not break us, only makes us stronger". So I figure after the day I had today, I should be the new Ms. Olympia!!!!! I can't wait for Sat. I just want the weekend to be here!! But that will be my new mantra about being strong.

Mrs Arnold Schwarzzenegger (spelling?)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I think that blogging helps to keep me accountable in this adventure. I have done all my workouts but just can't seem to get into the lifting weights thing. And now I feel like I am coming down with something. My friend's son has the flu and I was around him the day before. But I still went and walked. Actually at work we have to sometimes respond to body alarms. I used to be out of breath when that happened, but now I wasn't. I was so proud of myself. But I have to admit that I am still having trouble with the whole weight thing. I think it was confounded today because I received an email stating that our 20th reunion is coming up this summer. Yikes!! I want to be looking better than what I do now. So I have decided to join weight watchers and see if that helps to burn the pounds quicker. My clothes are fitting a little looser, but it is not enough. I know I am putting to much pressure on myself with these two goals, but I am going to try and accomplish both. I still have not had any type of soda so I am giving myself a huge pat on the back for that. Hope everyone is having a good week.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wacky Wednesday

Okay let me start by saying that I should have just stayed in bed today. Woke up late and had a Dr's appt. Had a flat as I was trying to leave. Got to Dr, and realized I left my purse at home. Thank goodness they knew I am good for the payment. Ha Ha. Good news from the Dr, Said that my ticker did not get any worse. Yipee. He advised me that we will continue to evaluate between now and August. Then I went to work, and we had an "incident" so that shot my classes for the day. I had to work late night, so I just got home and I am starving. I figure if I write I won't go to the fridge and pig out. Actually I must admit that I ate at Subway for lunch. Is that a healthy choice? Had a turkey sandwich on wheat w/lettuce, tomato, and a little mayo. Drank water and didn't have any chips or cookies. I am hoping to make it to the gtocery store and buy all the stuff recommended in the super foods book. No I am getting ready to lift some weights. Can't wait to see everyone on Sat. goodnight

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Oh happy day

Went and walked today for 45 minutes. I am still not really keeping track of the mileage yet, maybe by next week. Other half mentioned that I must be getting better since I am walking at a faster pace. I walked around the track as I was watching the Titan boys baseball team play Pearl. I had planned on walking longer but then my son went in to pitch, so I stopped. He did not have a good outing, which kinda ruined the walk for me. I just wish I could make it better for him :( Before that game, I went to a soccer game, and a softball game. Talk about a crazy evening. I am beat. Doing better on walking backwards for the last part of my walk. not sure if I am making any headway with the shins though.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Manic Monday

I heard that confession was good for the soul so I must admit I had a Diet Coke. There I said it. I actually only drank about 1/4 of it, but I still felt guilty. Especially as I looked at my "I am a marathoner" wristband. I ended up throwing it out and drinking water. My blue wristband has been the topic of conversation for me today. People at work asked was it was for and so did my students. I actually made a deal with several of my students that once I completed my goal, I would not hear the words of "I can't "anymore out of their mouths. I walked today for 45 minutes. I don't see any change as far as my weight loss or my body, but I do feel stronger and not so short out of breath.That has to be something. I must confess that I am a little scared of going to see my cardiologist on Wednesday. Depending on my test results, he will let me know if I can continue with my goal or not. I did consult with him before I started this whole thing, so he won't be shocked. I am keeping the faith and staying in a positive frame of mind. I have also decided that I need to get back to lifting weights, which I left when I went back to school to get my Masters. Hope everyone has a good week. Adios

Thursday, March 1, 2007


Can't believe I have not posted all week. All I can say is that work has been very hectic this week. Then last night I ended up feeling really sick while on my walk. I feel really lousy today too. I did not do anything last night and plan on taking today off too. Hoping I'll be better by Saturday. I don't want to miss the meeting. I'm still wokring my way thru the book and feel that I am going to start making some of the changes in my eating habit. Must admit I did have a sprite today, but I can't seem to be able to hold anything else down.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I was so excited to see all the people at tje meeting today. It was my first meeting and what a surge of adrenaline to see everyone so excited. I really enjoyed the ice breakers. Of course I was the lonely person standing out in the West. After we did the walk, I was a little discouraged because there were so many people that finished ahead of me, but like my husband told me on the phone, it's only going to get better. I met a really nice lady, sorry I did not catch your name (your daughter is principal at Eastside). Great to meet you, you made me feel so welcome. I plan on buying that Ipod you showed me. I just want to wish everyone a good week. And I still have not had a coke for almost a week. YEAH!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Murphy's Law

Okay today was a really tough day at work and at home. But I decided to try and run between mailboxes when I went on my walk. Big mistake. I ended up getting so out of breath that I thought I was going to pass out. Then to put the icing on the cake, I was chased by a dog. It bit me on my leg.!! So now I am going to the Dr in the morning, because it really hurts. Somedays when it rains it pours. Not sure if I will get my XT in or not. But I am happy to say that I did not have a Diet Coke all day. And today would have been a six-paxk I believe.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Random thoughts

I made it an effort to read some blogs everyday. Seems like there are a wonderful group of people in this adventure that we share. I hope that I get to meet each and every person before this is all done. Today was a tough day to get going. I went to Sunday school, where I teach third grade and ended up with puke on my clothes and two sick kids in class. Needless to say that was just the beginning. Couldn't find the parents and had to try and keep the kids calm. After going to Wally World and fighting for a parking spot w/ half of Madison County, I then got to the checkout line and discovered I had used up my last check. Thank goodness for the debit card.
I just could not get inspired to get up and workout. But I did do a workout with weights. Does that count as a cross training day? I am looking into working with a trainer, so hopefully that will help set me up on a routine at the gym. I have also decided that I am going to get an ipod or a mp3 player to use when I walk. It' makes the time go by faster and seems to improve my pace. Anyone out there have any recommendations on songs? I used my daughter's but some of the songs were not very good (Shows my age). That is all for now. I am going to enjoy my day off tomorrow from work and try and get my walking done in the morning instead of the evening

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I hate that I had to miss the meeting, butI had to work today. I made it a point of walking after I got home from work. As usual, I was going to talk myself out of it due to the cold, but my hubby convinced me to go. I am so thankful to have him cheering me on. He will go with me even after he just got back from his own run. We are total opposites. He is the healthy, fit person and I am the newly inspired person. I am really looking forward to meeting some new people at the meeting next week. I have not attended a meeting yet, and I feel a little on the outside looking in. But I plan on being there next week. Keeping it up gang

Friday, February 16, 2007


Today was a crazy day. I actually got my walk in today. Made a huge effort to walk a a quicker pace. I am still out of breath, but I feel a little better. I will be missing the meeting tomorrow sice I have to work. Question for people out there? If you miss a day throughout the week, should we try and make it up on the rest day?

Monday, February 12, 2007

new me

Today was my first official day of training. I walked for 40 minutes at a brisk pace. I was out of breath. I hope it will get better soon. I am one of those people that wants quick results, which will probably be one of my hardest stumbling blocks. But I plan to see this through, thank goodness for my husband's support.