Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Oh happy day

Went and walked today for 45 minutes. I am still not really keeping track of the mileage yet, maybe by next week. Other half mentioned that I must be getting better since I am walking at a faster pace. I walked around the track as I was watching the Titan boys baseball team play Pearl. I had planned on walking longer but then my son went in to pitch, so I stopped. He did not have a good outing, which kinda ruined the walk for me. I just wish I could make it better for him :( Before that game, I went to a soccer game, and a softball game. Talk about a crazy evening. I am beat. Doing better on walking backwards for the last part of my walk. not sure if I am making any headway with the shins though.

1 comment:

Robin said...

You are making headway, I promise. Just stick to it and you'll see some improvement soon. Look at you multi-tasking - walking and watching your son play - way to go!