Monday, March 5, 2007

Manic Monday

I heard that confession was good for the soul so I must admit I had a Diet Coke. There I said it. I actually only drank about 1/4 of it, but I still felt guilty. Especially as I looked at my "I am a marathoner" wristband. I ended up throwing it out and drinking water. My blue wristband has been the topic of conversation for me today. People at work asked was it was for and so did my students. I actually made a deal with several of my students that once I completed my goal, I would not hear the words of "I can't "anymore out of their mouths. I walked today for 45 minutes. I don't see any change as far as my weight loss or my body, but I do feel stronger and not so short out of breath.That has to be something. I must confess that I am a little scared of going to see my cardiologist on Wednesday. Depending on my test results, he will let me know if I can continue with my goal or not. I did consult with him before I started this whole thing, so he won't be shocked. I am keeping the faith and staying in a positive frame of mind. I have also decided that I need to get back to lifting weights, which I left when I went back to school to get my Masters. Hope everyone has a good week. Adios

1 comment:

Robin said...

Wow! Throwing out a coke, that's huge! Good for you!
Good luck at the dr's and let us know how it goes.