Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Long time no see

Okay it has been forever since I last blogged. First up I must confess that I have not been doing to well this week. I have gotten into a funk and just can't seem to break it. I tried to do the interval thing this week and I did awful. I guess I was fooling myself in that I was improving. I did cross train today, and I felt better. I just can't seem to get into the running. After reading Christa's blog tonite I think I will try the 30 second thing. Surely I can do that. I know tomorrow will be a new day. But I just needed to vent.
I think that what I really need is soemone to help hold me accountable for my training. I wish I could hook up with someone during the week in or around my area. Don;t get mr wrong my husband is great, but he is in really good shape and I feel like a complete dork for not being able to keep up with him. I keep trying to tell myself what MArk said about running my own race. I did sign up for the run from the sun race on Sat. I just plan on having fun and not worrying about my time or pace. It's for a good cause as Christa said. I promise to be faithful again about blogging. Looking forward to Sat.


Christa said...

You can do it. Just think of how far you've come already. Just try to be patient; it will come, I promise! Where do you like Magda? I'm in Flowood. I run in the morning before work, at 5:30ish or so. (It sucks!) Saturday will be fun! I am not racing. My non-MM friend will be joining me so I will be just taking my time having fun. You can walk with us since your son will probably be cruising!

Robin said...

Hang in there, Magda! Just keep moving - it doesn't matter the pace.

Kayra said...

You cannot give up!!! I don't have anyone to train with during the week either, and it does suck. so here is my proposal, let's do our intervals during the week, and then on Sat, we'll try to run together. hopefully we'll have the same/similar pace and we can stay together. I couldn't do this without all of you who in this journey with me.

Mary said...

Hey Magda, you can do this! I train on my own also, and I've been using my blog for accountability - I think a lot of us are. I pretty much blog everyday I'm in town, whether I train or not, and just knowing I have to write that I didn't train is often enough to get me going!

The Miller's Blog said...

I agree with Robin. I haven't clocked my intervals at this point when I'm by myself. I just do what I can, even when I end up walking a majority of the time. I do what I can. That's all I can do. Whether I walk, run, or crawl I will make it to the finish line in Chicago and that's all that matters!!!! And you are going to make it, too!!!!!!!!