Sunday, February 18, 2007

Random thoughts

I made it an effort to read some blogs everyday. Seems like there are a wonderful group of people in this adventure that we share. I hope that I get to meet each and every person before this is all done. Today was a tough day to get going. I went to Sunday school, where I teach third grade and ended up with puke on my clothes and two sick kids in class. Needless to say that was just the beginning. Couldn't find the parents and had to try and keep the kids calm. After going to Wally World and fighting for a parking spot w/ half of Madison County, I then got to the checkout line and discovered I had used up my last check. Thank goodness for the debit card.
I just could not get inspired to get up and workout. But I did do a workout with weights. Does that count as a cross training day? I am looking into working with a trainer, so hopefully that will help set me up on a routine at the gym. I have also decided that I am going to get an ipod or a mp3 player to use when I walk. It' makes the time go by faster and seems to improve my pace. Anyone out there have any recommendations on songs? I used my daughter's but some of the songs were not very good (Shows my age). That is all for now. I am going to enjoy my day off tomorrow from work and try and get my walking done in the morning instead of the evening

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