Monday, March 26, 2007

AHA Moment

I am going to have to walk alot earlier now, because I just about got carried away by mosquitos the size of the new jumbo jetliner that was just released. Let me start by saying that listening to Mark's talk on Saturday make me look inside myself and really evaluate my motivation for doing this goal, and also why I am my own worst critic. I have to sat that I had an AHA moment. So let me just say that my reason for doing this is purely selfish. I wanted to fiinally do something for ME. I am sure that there are alot of people out there that know what I mean when I say that I usuallly put myself last and my kids and family first. I wanted to work towards a goal. I am one of those people that if I have a goal, nothing will stop me from doing it. I had 3 kids the youngest three when I quit working full time and went back to school to get my degree. It took me going full time and summers also, but I did it. I then went back and got my Masters a year later. If I can do that and raise three kids and a husband, then I should be able to handle this marathon. I've also been motivated by going through some major medical issues just six months ago.
My biggest battle and my AHA moment, was realizing that I really do sell myself way to short. Instead of finding the good things about myself, I always focus on the negative and that which I feel is wrong with me. But I have caught myself since Saturday, making myself say something good about myself, every time I think a negative thought . I must say it really seems to change my attitude. So instead of thinking how fat I look, I congratulate myself for sticking to the exercise program, or the fact that I am finally getting in shape. I know this is just a small step, but alot of small steps are what will get me to the finish line in October.

Run or walk on my marathon family.
We are marathoners!!!!!


Christa said...

Good for you!!! This is huge and you should be proud of yourself!! You are awesome and I can't wait to meet you in person. We're going to have fun, fun, fun in our crowded little room in Chicago!

Kayra said...

We sound so much alike. I'm one of those who always puts myself last. You should be proud of yourself, and remind yourself every day of the great things you've done. Can't wait to meet you!