Sunday, May 6, 2007

I feel like a runner

Heavens I did not know how long it had been since I blogged. I really need to get back into the groove of it. It helps to keep me honest. I am so proud of all of us for finishing the 8 miles. I never thought I was going to make it, but I did. I must say that for the day Vickie was my inspiration. I kept her in my sights most of the race, but she made me work at it. And she was only WALKING. Man is she fast. Anyway, I felt that even though the race was a little difficult, I did not give up. But the one thing that I learned was to have the right kind of socks. I wore some other type of socks and I paid for it by the end of the race. I had rubbed the skin raw in certain spots. The first thing I did was go to Fleet Feet and buy the good kind. Lesson learned. But the course was so scenic, even though a little muddy. Christa, you are doing so awesome. I hope I can eventually catch up to you. Kayra, when I saw you right towards the end of the race, you made me realize that even though we all struggle, we are also not quiters. Seeing your face helped me to finish it and not quit. I am looking forward to meeting more of the MM people and learning from everyone's own experiences. I AM A MARATHONER. And for the first time, I truly believe it.